A fun and informative evening
35 people from swathe of property industry companies and organisations attended the event. The panel shared valuable insights regarding how to adopt and implement AI in property business operations. The main take outs were that 1) companies need to take AI seriously right now from the CEO down and not just leave it to the IT guys and 2) AI enhanced business processes dramatically improve both productivity and personal performance behind 3) there are high level legal principles to be aware of. All the panelists are happy to have specific conversations with you.
Contact the Panelists

Matt Ensor
Chair of the AI Forum and Consultant. matt@kiaora.ai

Lloyd Gallagher
Convenor, Technology and Law, Auckland District Law Society. lloyd@gallagherandco.co.nz

Justin Flitter
Founder of New Zealand AI and popular keynote speaker. justin@flitter.co.nz